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Heart / Cardiovascular Consultancy Services


What is an Echocardiogram?

This is an ultrasound examination similar to a pregnancy scan but looking at the heart. It shows the heart and how it is working at rest.

It is a painless examination and usually takes about 15-20minutes. You would need to lie on your left side for the procedure. A lubricating gel is placed on your chest and the images are taken using a probe pressed against the chest wall. This would be performed by an accredited echocardiographer (such as Kevin Murt in Aintree) and Dr Davis.

This test is checks the function of the heart muscle and heart valves and is sometimes performed prior to treadmill testing.

You will be given a preliminary result at the time of the scan.

Echocardiography by British Society of Echocardiography accredited Cardiac Physiologists with a Consultant Cardiologist in attendance
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